Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Landscape Architecture
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Recording from live webinar on 8/29/23
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Landscape Architecture
In this panel discussion, three AI experts and enthusiasts from academia and practice shared their experiences and discussed AI in the context of landscape architecture: what is it, why does it matter, and what are its implications for the discipline? The conversation was moderated by 2022-2023 LAF Fellow Phillip Fernberg, whose fellowship focused on AI.
See more on this topic by watching Phillip's presentation at the June 2023 LAF Innovation + Leadership Symposium in Washington, DC.
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- Webinar slidedeck [PDF]
- Audience Q&A with written responses [PDF]
- Attendee poll results and chat (full chat remarks + summary) [PDF]
- Resources compiled by panelists [Linktree]

Karla Saldaña Ochoa
Assistant Professor, University of Florida
Karla's teaching and research focus on investigating the interplay of Artificial and Human Intelligence in architectural practices at building and urban scale. Karla is the leading researcher at SHARE Lab, a research group focused on developing human-centered AI projects focused on design practices. Her PhD investigated AI's ability to respond to natural disasters.

Jeff Cutler
Principal, space2place
Jeff has spent 25 years advancing the field of landscape architecture in Canada by leading complex design and planning projects. Jeff constantly tests new technologies and has received over 30 national awards for developing sensitive and innovative design solutions. In 2021, he was awarded the title of Fellow in the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects.

Zihao Zhang
Assistant Professor; Interim Director, MLA Program, The City College of New York
By building transdisciplinary, critical analyses across design, engineering, and environmental humanities, Zihao interrogates emerging technologies (e.g., AI and robotics) and their ramifications on contemporary culture and landscape. Zihao has an MLA and PhD from the University of Virginia.

Phillip Fernberg (Moderator)
Instructor and PhD Candidate, Utah State University, 2022-23 LAF Fellow
Phillip’s current research at VIVID Lab focuses on spatial cognition in virtual environments and artificial intelligence applications for landscape architecture and ecological restoration. He also has broader research interests in landscape dynamics, digital fabricative culture, and the future of design-build practice.