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Investigating Contaminant Accumulation in Landscapes Adjacent to Highways

Recording from live webinar on 3/23/2022


Investigating Contaminant Accumulation in Landscapes Adjacent to Highways

As urban populations grow, underutilized spaces near highways have increasingly become sites for public parks and activation. Yet major roadways are primary sources of traffic-related air pollution, and there are few regulations and little guidance about how to design and maintain adjacent landscapes to reduce negative health impacts.

The first LAF Research Grant in Honor of Deb Mitchell was awarded to “Greenscapes to Brownscapes: A Study on Impacts to Contaminant Levels in Landscapes Adjacent to Highways,” an 18-month pilot study that adds to the limited existing research on how a new site accumulates contaminants. 

In this webinar, the Principal Investigators shared their findings from test plots along the I-95 corridor in Philadelphia where they monitored air quality and conducted soil and swab testing to assess pollutant accumulation. Working with an advisory group of designers, scientists, and policy makers, the research team compiled and synthesized information to develop takeaways and recommendations for further research that can inform the development of landscapes near highways, including design responses, programmatic recommendations, and maintenance schedules to reduce exposure to near-road pollution.



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Learning Objectives

  1. Understand types and sources of near-road pollution and associated health impacts.
  2. Hear findings from the pilot study on pollutant accumulation over time in test plots along I-95.
  3. Examine design, programmatic, and maintenance strategies that can reduce exposure to near-road pollution.

PLEASE NOTE: This webinar can no longer be viewed to earn LA CES continuing education credits.


Presenters / Principal Investigators

Allison Harvey, ASLA, Principal, OJB Landscape Architecture

Andrew Adams, Director of Sales and Marketing, IKON Environmental Solutions (formerly of Braun Intertec)


LAF hosts live webinars in which guest presenters share innovative work and discuss timely issues. The recorded webinars are archived on LAF's website, and many can be viewed on demand to earn continuing education credits through LA CES. LAF is able to make these resources freely available thanks to the financial support of individuals like you. If you find this webinar valuable, please consider making a donation to help us cover hosting and administrative costs. To learn about upcoming webinars, sign up for our emails.

LAF is grateful to the many individuals and organizations that provide financial support towards fulfilling our mission to support the preservation, improvement, and enhancement of the environment.

Much of what LAF is able to accomplish would not be possible without the thought leadership and financial investment of our major supporters, including ASLA, which provides over $125,000 of in-kind support annually.
