Wildfires and Landscape Strategies for Jobs, Justice, and Decarbonization
LAF’s Superstudio Spotlight webinar series showcases the projects and approaches of designers who participated in the Green New Deal Superstudio, a national initiative to translate the goals of decarbonization, justice, and jobs into design and planning projects for their respective regions. The Superstudio ran from August 2020 through June 2021 and attracted the participation of more than 180 studio courses from over 90 universities as well as hundreds of practitioners and industry partners across the design disciplines.
Recording from live webinar on 2/2/22
Superstudio Spotlight: Wildfires and Landscape Strategies for Jobs, Justice, and Decarbonization
Wildfires are not a new threat, but they are growing in severity and frequency as climate change makes areas warmer and drier. Several Green New Deal Superstudio participants examined fire-prone landscapes and what their management could look like prioritizing ecology, carbon storage, jobs, and community concerns.
In the spring 2021 Green New Fire Landscapes studio, students at the University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design explored how fire management is intimately tied to carbon emissions. They put forward a number of landscape strategies for forest management with particular attention to climate-smart forestry, Indigenous stewardship, and the role of labor. SWA's The Edge of Paradise: Landscape Strategies for Living with Fire studio focused on wildfire mitigation for several distinct communities in the Sierra Foothills of California heavily impacted by climate change and urbanization.
Hear implementable strategies and leading-edge thinking on how to design and manage land for wildfires.

Nicholas Pevzner, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design
Jonah Susskind, Senior Research Associate, SWA Group
Additional Information
University of Pennsylvania Green New Fire Landscapes overview submission on JSTOR
SWA The Edge of Paradise: Landscape Strategies for Living with Fire submission on JSTOR
LAF hosts live webinars in which guest presenters share innovative work and discuss timely issues. The recorded webinars are archived on LAF's website, and many can be viewed on demand to earn continuing education credits through LA CES. To learn about upcoming webinars, subscribe to LAF communications.
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