Envisioning a Green New Deal through 5 Studios at WashU
LAF’s Superstudio Spotlight webinar series showcases the projects and approaches of designers who participated in the Green New Deal Superstudio, a national initiative to translate the goals of decarbonization, justice, and jobs into design and planning projects for their respective regions. The Superstudio ran from August 2020 through June 2021 and attracted the participation of more than 170 studio courses from over 90 universities as well as hundreds of practitioners and industry partners across the design disciplines.
Recording from live webinar on 12/9/21
Superstudio Spotlight: Envisioning a Green New Deal Through 5 Studios at Wash U
Faculty at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis responded to the Green New Deal Superstudio open call by challenging students to engage with jobs, justice, and decarbonization through a series of landscape architecture, architecture, and urban design studios conducted during the fall 2020 and spring 2021 semesters.
Each of the five studios began with the premise that designers can and should play leading role in visualizing a Green New Deal from the scale of the Mississippi Watershed down to the city block. In this webinar, hear the Wash U faculty discuss their studios and how they approached visioning the Green New Deal across their department and design disciplines.
- World Wide Watersheds, led by Derek Hoeferlin
Challenge: Make a scalar shift back to the territorial scales of watersheds, continents, and ultimately, the world using the Midwest and the Mississippi River Basin as a model for watershed-based resilient “trans-boundary speculative futures.” - Show Me the Green New Deal: Designing Land-based Sustainable Enterprises in Missouri, led by L. Iréne Compadre
Challenge: Tackle the complex and interwoven issues of climate change, environmental degradation and social inequity using a 120-acre former strip mine near Colombia, Missouri as a pilot site. - FREAKED LANDSCAPES, led by Eric Ellingsen
Challenge: Research and design former nuclear waste landscapes with resilient infrastructural systems explicitly addressing remediation, repair, and upgrade to last 10,000 years. - Climate Action Now: Energy and Design for the Cities We Need, led by Patty Heyda
Challenge: Remake the city of St. Louis according to radical and necessary new models of renewable, public controlled, distributed energy resources. - The Land on Which We Stand / The Stand on Which We Land, led by Linda C. Samuels
Challenge: Utilize “infrastructural opportunism” to design how large-scale investments in infrastructure can repair environmental conditions, increase social equity, and improve quality of life along the Brickline Greenway in St. Louis.

L. Iréne Compadre, Lecturer, Landscape Architecture
Eric Ellingsen, Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture
Patty Heyda, Associate Professor, Architecture and Urban Design
Derek Hoeferlin, Associate Professor and Chair, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
Linda C. Samuels, Associate Professor, Urban Design and Architecture
Additional Information
Wash U Superstudio submissions on JSTOR
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