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One Health, Coronaviruses, and Landscape

Recording from live webinar on 5/6/20


One Health, Coronaviruses, and Landscape

Environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, climate change, and rapid urban expansion are creating conditions for coronaviruses and other zoonotic diseases to cross over into human populations. These risks, rooted in landscape, are further exacerbated by socio-ecological factors such as social inequity, occupational exposures, and food insecurity.

Panelists from epidemiology, veterinarian pathology, biocultural anthropology, and landscape architecture discuss the complex relationships between the environment and human and animal health in the spread of disease. Learn about their work in One Health, scientific principles behind coronaviruses, and the role that landscape design and planning can play in disease prevention and global health.


Learning Objectives

  1. Learn scientific principles behind One Health and coronaviruses
  2. Understand the relationships between human and ecological health and disease exposure and their links to environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, habitat destruction, social equity and climate change
  3. Investigate the role that landscape design and planning can play in disease prevention and local to global health

PLEASE NOTE: This webinar can no longer be viewed to earn LA CES continuing education credits.



Headshot of Leann Andrews

Leann Andrews, RLA, PhD
Landscape architect and 2013 LAF National Olmsted Scholar
Director, Traction and Affiliate Assistant Professor
The Pennsylvania State University, University of Washington


Headshot of Hannah Atkins

Hannah Atkins, DVM, PhD
Veterinarian pathologist
Assistant Professor of Comparative Medicine, College of Medicine
The Pennsylvania State University


Headshot of Sagan Friant

Sagan Friant, PhD
Biocultural anthropologist
Director, RISK Lab
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
The Pennsylvania State University


Headshot of Peter Rabinowitz

Peter Rabinowitz, MD, MPH
Director, UW Center for One Health Research
Acting Director, UW Metacenter for Pandemic Preparedness


Headshot of McKenzie Wilhelm

Moderated by:
McKenzie Wilhelm
2013 LAF National Olmsted Scholar
Senior Designer
MKSK Studios


This webinar is part of an emerging professional webinar series, curated by the LAF Olmsted Scholars Network. The series covers topics of particular interest to emerging landscape architects such as professional journeys, alternate modes of practice, and design innovation. LAF is able to make these resources freely available thanks to the financial support of individuals like you. If you find this webinar valuable, please consider making a donation to help us cover hosting and administrative costs. To learn about upcoming webinars, sign up for our emails.

LAF is grateful to the many individuals and organizations that provide financial support towards fulfilling our mission to support the preservation, improvement, and enhancement of the environment.

Much of what LAF is able to accomplish would not be possible without the thought leadership and financial investment of our major supporters, including ASLA, which provides over $125,000 of in-kind support annually.
