2023 CSI Teams and Projects Announced

Eleven faculty Research Fellows and ten high-performing landscape projects have been selected for LAF's 2023 Case Study Investigation program.
Case Study Investigation (CSI) is a unique research collaboration and training program for faculty, students, and practitioners. LAF funded faculty-student research teams work with designers to document the impacts of exemplary, high-performing landscape projects. Teams develop methods to quantify the environmental, social, and economic benefits of built projects and produce Case Study Briefs for LAF’s Landscape Performance Series.
Research Fellows lead the CSI collaboration and receive funding to support a student Research Assistant. The academic teams work with liaisons from design firms to evaluate and document each project. LAF provides training, supporting materials, and feedback throughout the process.
Among the selected projects for the 2023 program are a Boston waterfront hospital focused on rehabilitation and climate resilience, an innovation campus for biotechnology companies in St. Louis, a wildlife sanctuary in Australia that features penguins, a University of Arizona campus landscape inspired by the area’s mesas and canyons, and a stream restoration that connects civic destinations in a small town in Ohio.
The geographically diverse projects also include a large community park to support the growing population in Bozeman, Montana; a culturally significant historic square in downtown Raleigh; an urban wetland park that serves as a “breathing sponge” for Nanchang, China; a former industrial corridor turned multi-use linear park in downtown Carmel, Indiana; and a renovated pier on Florida’s Gulf Coast.
The 2023 CSI program kicks off in February and runs through early August. We look forward to working with this impressive group to document this wide range of outstanding projects and their impacts!
Boston Architectural College
+ Copley Wolff Design Group
CSI Research Fellows: María Bellalta, FASLA, and Hongbing Tang, PLA
Student Research Assistants: Jason Kozikowski and Li Chen
Project: Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston, MA
Montana State University
+ Design Workshop
CSI Research Fellow: Rebekah VanWieren
Student Research Assistant: Nina Barfoot
Project: Story Mill Community Park, Bozeman, MT
North Carolina State University
+ Sasaki
CSI Research Fellow: Carla Delcambre, PLA
Student Research Assistant: Melissa Dominguez
Project: Moore Square Park, Raleigh, NC
The Ohio State University
CSI Research Fellow: Halina Steiner
Student Research Assistant: Bilwa Ashvinikumar Gulavani
Project: Rose Run Corridor, Phase 1, New Albany, OH
Purdue University
+ Rundell Ernstberger Associates
CSI Research Fellow: Yiwei Huang, PhD
Student Research Assistants: Lauren Chapman and Jackson Kincaid
Project: Monon Boulevard and Midtown Plaza, Carmel, IN
University of Arizona
+ Colwell Shelor Landscape Architecture
CSI Research Fellow: Kirk Dimond
Student Research Assistant: Olivia Gilliam
Project: Environmental + Natural Resources 2 Building, Tucson, AZ
University of Florida
+ Ken Smith Workshop
CSI Research Fellow: Yi Luo, PhD, PLA
Student Research Assistants: Haoting Hong and Rui Hu
Project: St. Pete Pier, St. Petersburg, FL
University of Melbourne
+ Tract Consultants
CSI Research Fellow: Sidh Sintusingha, PhD
Student Research Assistant: Jadida Salma
Project: Summerland Peninsula Master Plan and Visitor Centre Precinct, Summerlands, Victoria, Australia
University of Minnesota
+ SWT Design
CSI Research Fellow: Dan Shaw
Student Research Assistant: Christine Flauta
Project: Cortex Commons, St. Louis, MO
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
+ Turenscape
CSI Research Fellow: Yujia Wang
Student Research Assistants: Humaid Al Hinai and Sarah Spilinek
Project: Fish Tail Park, Nanchang City, Jiangxi, China