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To date, LAF has invested over $3 million in research initiatives.

Research is essential for evidence-based decision-making and creating spaces and systems that respond to environmental and human needs. LAF sponsors, undertakes, and publicizes research needed to address the complex issues facing the world today. From Barrier Free Site Design and Grade Easy in the 1970s to A Case Study Method for Landscape Architecture to our most recent work in landscape performance, LAF’s published research spans 40 years.

Current research initiatives focus on: (1) bridging the gap between research and practice and (2) the measurable environmental, social, and economic benefits of landscapes. These strategic efforts are building the body of knowledge, informing design practice, and helping to make the case for more sustainable policies and design solutions.

LAF is grateful to the many individuals and organizations that provide financial investment and thought leadership to support our research initiatives.

A bequest from Clarence and Ruth Roy, along with support from Deb Mitchell and other leaders at SmithGroup established the JJR | Roy Research Fund, which seeded the initial development and launch of the Landscape Performance Series and continues to provide sustaining research program support today.
